Other notes

A place for notes that don’t fit in my main categories: Watching my collection of Criterion Collection films, and On the business of Hollywood.

10 most recent posts

An evolving filmography about power

Updated: October 29, 2022. First created: November, 14, 2021. I have been fortunate enough to teach university classes on politics and film. I am certain few students in these classes could guess how stressful it was to assemble a list of films for each semester. The films I showed in class or assigned as homework…

What does the growing divide on Rotten Tomatoes mean?

Rotten Tomatoes (RT) found a way to get every last drop from the well of convenience. Film criticism is already pressured, tacitly by convention, or explicitly by editors and bosses, to give bite-size scores with thumbs (up or down), stars (out of 4 or 5), letter grades (with memories of school report cards) or numbers…

With Great Power Comes Great Fear

Blair Fix writes about some of my research. The subject is not directly related to cinema, but readers might be interested nonetheless.

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